We are located in a rustic farm setting on the original Kalweiss Dairy farm that was once part of the dairy coop. There is an original 1930 farm house on the property and 6 attached acres that we use for parking, to feed our livestock, horse activities, birthday parties and summer camp. The premises are what you would expect for a typical 1930's Alaska Farm. If you are not comfortable with an outdoor rustic setting please do not book with us.
Farm parties are provided in cooperation with Party Ponies and Friends and can be booked here on our website or at www.ponyparties-alaska.com. All reservations are confirmed by email. All visit requests are by email.

"Follow The Child" is a collection of parents, certified teachers and students that embody a philosophy that learning is best achieved not through rote memorization but through hands on experiences. Students are encouraged to explore, experience and question the world around them. Students ages 4yrs thru 19 are instructed in a variety of subjects with age appropriate materials, hands on experience and real world application.
Our high school and college students continue to build on thier education by taking what they have learned and applying it to real world opportunities and projects that meet thier own individual learning plan goals as well as both public and homeschool requirements.