Our educational approach is both Waldorf and Montessori based using hands on and real world experiences, encouraging students to explore the world around them.
Vendors with Matsu Central, Twindly Bridge, Pace, Idea, Family Partnership, Frontier, Raven, Totem. If you do not see your program listed please send us the vendor form. We will happily become a vendor.
The Following units are now part of our full program. This is only a small fraction of all the science we teach. To participate in our science curriculum please sign up for the Monthly Montessori program.
This program is based on our popular Animal Adventures Summer Camp with different Science and is structured with multi age groups in mind, ages 5-12. 2:10 Teacher Student ratio.
Mardena Montessori Program $380 per month K-4th Starts September 16

The Mardena Montessori Program has been developed by Mardena Williams. The program is based on the phylosophy of Maria Montessori, a renown scientist and educator. With over 20 years of teaching in the private and public school system Mardena has created a series of hands on units that incorporate a child's curiosity and desire to learn using hands on materials and real life experiences. In 1987 Mardena lead a team of teachers that created the Anchorage School Districts Science Curriculum. Though the curriculum has adjusted throughout the years , many of the hands on and real world elements developed by this team have remained today. The same hands on approach is used to teach all subjects in The Mardena Montessori program.
Why choose this program?
- Our program provides a well rounded quality education by trained and certified instructors while maintaining the home school parents' involvement and control over their child's education .
- Get a quality private education for a fraction of the cost. Compare our $380 monthly tuition to other Montessori Programs across the state. You will find that most cost $1000 per month and more
-Our 2 days per week approach focuses on core concepts in a fun hands on environment so learning feels natural. Our schedule gives students time to spend on other equally important educational opportunities such as music, and or sports and allows students time with family.

Thursday and Friday 10am-2:00
Math, Language Arts, History, Social Studies, Culture, and Science. Math tutoring can be added for an additional cost. Math is part of the monthly activities. Mardena does offer more individualized tutoring for struggling students. To see options for math tutoring please read the Montessori Math section on this page.
Montessori Math
K-3rd. 1 hour two times per week
$45 per session 2 times per week billed per month
This class will meet with the same group of 5 students 2 times per week allowing students 1-3 days between classes to practice what they have learned. Students will be met at their current level and will progress with math concepts using Montessori materials and methods.
contact mardenajwilliam@gmail.com 907-230-8864 to work out a schedule
Visit 12 Artists
12 sessions $29 each $348
Date to be determined
Visit 12 Artists in history. This is a hands on Class covering Art History as well as Art technique. Explore impressionism, pointillism and mixed media art forms as you create your own art work. Learn how these artists affected the art movement of their time. Explore who they were as both artists and people while creating your own art using the same techniques.
Begining Horsemanship ages 4-17

Semi Private lesson. 2 students per class. $45 per student. Instruction focuses on a relationship between the rider and the horse. Kids learn how to tack their own horse properly mount and dismount, sit and hold their seat properly and how to position their feet. The focus is to be able to safely ride for leisure and may lead to trail rides. To sign up for horse lessons please text 907-230-6775